Cardio Equipment FAQs
What is “Compatible” Cardio Equipment? Compatible Cardio Equipment is equipment, beginning with treadmills, that allows communication between an iPad or Android tablet and the treadmill. This communication is done via Bluetooth wireless technology (Note: Not all Bluetooth capable treadmills are compatible with Outside Interactive’s Virtual Runner app) Compatible brands and models are listed below. What are the “types” communication with compatible cardio equipment? Compatible cardio equipment utilizes uni-directional and bi-directional communication Uni-directional Communication enables the treadmill to transmit a Bluetooth signal to the iPad or Android tablet. This signal controls the speed of the course video found on the tablet. Bi-directional Communication includes the feature listed under uni-directional communication, but also allows the tablet to send a signal back down to the treadmill, adjusting the incline of the treadmill’s belt. These commands correspond to the hills and terrain found in the video. What is “Embedded” Technology in cardio equipment? “Embedded” technology has the Virtual Runner app directly in the console of the treadmill. This eliminates the need for an iPad or Android tablet. With this approach, the Virtual Runner app can control both the video speed and the treadmill incline providing a seamless simulated course experience. Can I use Virtual Runner if I don’t have access to a compatible or embedded technology treadmill? Yes! Virtual Runner can be operated in two other formats.- Manual Control – This feature allows you to adjust the video speed manually in the Virtual Runner app to match the pace of the treadmill’s speed. Incline prompts found on the Virtual Runner screen will alert you to manually adjust the treadmill’s incline.
- Wearable Technology – This approach requires you to purchase a compatible foot pod, allowing a Bluetooth or ANT+ signal to be transmitted to the iPad or Android tablet, controlling the speed of the video to match your exact pace on the treadmill. Elevation prompts will alert you to adjust the treadmill’s incline manually. Brand compatible foot pods can be found here: Foot Pod Wearable Technology